Taken in 2021.
Published in Variant Literature.
Hollis, Danika. Opal. Photograph. Variant Literature, Issue 9, Winter 2022. Online and Print. https://variantlit.com/danika-e-hollis/
Taken in 2021.
Published in Up the Staircase Quarterly Literary Journal.
Hollis, Danika. BW Stair 04. Issue #56, February 2022. Cover photograph. Up the Staircase Quarterly Literary Journal. https://www.upthestaircase.org/2022-issues.html
Taken in 2021.
Published in Montana Mouthful Literary Journal.
Hollis, Danika. “Cadillac Ranch, Amarillo, TX” October 2021. Photograph. Montana Mouthful. “Road Trip” Issue. Print.
Taken in 2021.
Published in Months to Years Literary Journal.
Note: Books are tangible objects of death turned into life. Pages and quires were once branches and trunks. Living trees give us breath, but when they die, they continue to give us life. "Dead Trees" is a brief moment where viewers can sit and contemplate this connection we have with nature.
Hollis, Danika. Dead Trees. 2021. Photograph. Months to Years. Fall 2021. Online and Print. https://www.monthstoyears.org/dead-trees/
Taken in 2010 on Emei Shan, Sichuan Province, China.
Published in San Diego Reader, 2010
Hollis, Danika. Giant Golden Buddha. 2010. Photograph. San Diego Reader, San Diego. Our Desperate Neighbors, Vol. 39, No. 48. December 2010. 60. Print. https://www.sandiegoreader.com/users/photos/2010/nov/16/11166/