Dear Sweet Child,
Today you showed me the ultimate kindness.
I fell asleep on the floor. See, I have been running around making sure all has gotten done this week. School performances I’ve had to sing in, an assignment handed out Wednesday to be turned in Wednesday, getting you to dance class where you pout in the corner because she’s not your favorite teacher, stressing because Dada has been gone this week for work...
I fell asleep on the floor beside the bed because there were backpacks and laundry on my side of the bed, never mind the sheets I just washed.
I fell asleep on the floor beside the bed because I was weary. Too weary to move things. Too weary to worry about how falling asleep beside my bed would look.
But you, dear sweet child, you brought me a blanket—YOUR blanket—and covered me up. Because that’s what we do when some one needs nap. You brought me a lovey, your lovey, a soft pink and purple bunny. Because? That’s what we do when some one needs to cuddle and sleep.
But you, dear sweet child, you let me sleep. You let me lay down my head and sleep. You played with quiet grace and let me have peace.
And I am so sorry that the TV babysat you. I am so sorry I could not cuddle you. I am so sorry that you wake before me most of the mornings. I am so sorry that your mama is a work in progress, that she cannot offer you the best of the best.
But thank you for showing that through it all, I still believe in love. That, despite all my shortcomings, I still have compassion.
I wouldn't have known all this if you weren’t a reflection of me.
This poem was presented at the 2019 Sigma Tau Delta, International English Honor Society annual convention hosted in St. Louis, MO on March 29, 2019